Memories #2

Monthly updates!


- It is a month of my birthday. Plus, I share a same date of birthday with Cha Hakyeon (Singer of VIXX) and Cheryl Cole. Guess the date!
-  I went to the Kuala Lumpur International Hijab Festival together with my best friend.We managed to sneak ourselves into the runaway show's program. I was so excited that finally I can see a genuine runaway! How amazing was that, huh? Insyallah, I will enter more, big runaway shows in the future.
- I finally passed my JPJ test! It was a third time and god knows how awfully tired I was. On the bright side, I managed to make friends with a few people from the previous tests.

- The beginning of this year's Ramadhan and Alhamdulilah, everything went really smooth except the fact of whole Palestine-Zionists and Syria's war issue that literally broke my heart. 'Till today!
- For the first week of Ramadhan, me and my best friend went to Seoul Garden to celebrate our Iftar and my birthday together! She even gave a marble blueberry cheese cake as a gift, so again, Thank You babe.
- A renewal contract for my job. Nothing interesting.

I really miss this year's Ramadhan though. I learned so many things what I could capable with and I was happy with my achievement on developing maturity within myself.