Letters To Me From Yourself.

Dear Fy,

I know you are worrying too much on your future and dreams. You are afraid of so many things that you wish you can change timeline. I know how you feel. I know how over thinking attitude will kill your thoughts instantly and suffocate you. I know this well because I am you. Sometimes, you need to loose things up. You need to stop uptight your choices. You need to go with the flow of life. You gotta accept things in your life. You gotta calmly let it go of your fears.

You are pretty as yourself. I know your over-rated narcissism of looks these days are quite impressive.

a quote that describe your inner feelings, i know this well too much.

  • You will find a place in this earth whereby you will be accepted as who you are and be cherished by the people that you care or love.
  • Rise and shine, pretty. 
    Can you imagine this?

  • You will find a guy that loves to your death and fights for you all the time; it's called as husband, the one who will be your soul mate and partner forever.
  • Yes, that's right, a husband. *nose bleeds to the death, still wishing Jae will be yours, I am going to pray you will find someone as pretty as him*

Your husband will always be there for you, even when both of you guys grow older

  • You will find your strength and freedom in the future because you believe of everything that you have during at that moment is worthy enough.

  • Fy, I know these words that I have just mentioned might be meaningless sometimes, in the eyes of yours but you gotta keep believe it. Believe it that you will be happy one day. Believe it that you will get all the things that you wish before.

    You gotta keep on praying, believing it and do what you need to do to achieve your desires.

    and now you know.